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Ted's Past Blog Entries
about 11 years ago
Those other Rules also Count to the Ind. Supreme Court There are several (18) sets of rules that lawyers need to know about as a part of your practice, and sometimes we forget them. One that bit a lawyer recently was the rule on reporting our convictions.  No, not our deeply held principles, but the […]
Ted Waggoner
about 11 years ago
What is the cost for fixing tickets? How corrupt is a NJ judge who fixes tickets for her “significant other?”  Corrupt enough to get kicked off the bench, and have her license suspended it appears.  Former judge Wanda Molina already lost her position as chief municipal judge, and the NJ Supreme Court will decide on […]
Ted Waggoner
about 11 years ago
Just because you did, don’t. It hurts to report on lawyer-friends, and yet they too provide lessons for us to learn.  Larry Beeson is a good lawyer from a neighboring county. We have tried a few cases against each other over the nearly 35 years we have been here.  Larry just got a public reprimand, […]
Ted Waggoner


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