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A Word About Attorney Fees

Peterson Waggoner & Perkins, LLP provides our clients with timely statements for professional services performed. Statements are sent on a monthly basis or at appropriate stages of the case.

Before proceeding with legal work for a new client or on any major project, we may begin with a written fee agreement, depending on the legal matter involved. We may also request an advance fee for services to be rendered. Our fees for services are based upon either specific fees, contingent fees, or hourly rates established by the Firm, which are subject to periodic adjustment. Our fees also reflect the priorities demanded by the project, the magnitude of the project, and the responsibilities assumed by the Firm. If our billing schedule does not meet your paying practices, please contact Karin at our office to personalize the billing schedule, and avoid finance charges.

The monthly statement reflects those services specified on the statement and includes out-of-pocket expenses posted through the billing date. Expense charges typically include long distance telephone calls, computerized legal research, document duplication, extraordinary postage, express delivery and other transportation expenditures, as well as filing and recording fees.

Statements rendered are due and payable upon receipt by the client, and prompt payment is requested and expected. A finance charge of 1.5 % per month or 18 % per annum is charged on the unpaid balance beginning thirty (30) days after the date of each statement. Failure to pay a statement promptly may result in a suspension of legal service or withdrawal from the case.

Ted Waggoner blogs on the topic of legal fees, and has testified as an expert in attorney fee matters.

Clients are always encouraged to discuss fee matters with the attorneys or our office manager.