Adoption is the legal process by which a parent/child relationship can be established that did not exist at the time of child's birth. The decision to adopt is a life-changing one, for all those concerned. Both the identity of the child and the structure of the family are altered. Courts evaluate the adoptive home for its suitability and compatibility with the child. Peterson Waggoner & Perkins, LLP has experience seeing clients through this important and fulfilling step.
A dissolution of marriage (divorce) in Indiana often involves several related issues: custody, visitation, child support, and division of property. Couples seeking a divorce may have already discussed how property would be divided between them, but may have no idea how to arrange visitation that is appropriate for the children. They may not understand or agree about the appropriate level of support. Whatever the disagreement, an attorney can assist you in determining what factors are appropriate to consider in the outcome of a dissolution.
Two points are critical to a basic understanding of dissolutions in Indiana. First, Indiana, like all states, allows for "no fault" divorces. This means that one need not prove infidelity, cruelty, abandonment, or any of the other wrongdoings once required to obtain a divorce. Second, Indiana is a "one pot" state with regard to marital property. This means that all property acquired during the marriage, regardless of how it is titled, is subject to the dissolution action and the orders of the court.
Our attorneys have experience in dissolution. From the friendliest to the most bitter, we work to preserve the dignity and assets most important to our client.
Pre-marital Agreements, often called Pre-Nuptial Agreements or Ante-Nuptial Agreements are legally recognized in Indiana. These are used to preserve and protect property of one or both spouses if the marriage ends by death or divorce. The agreements may also establish the amount of property one spouse receives in the event the other spouse dies first, often protecting children from a prior marriage.
Pre-marital Agreements are commonly used in second marriages with previous children, and when a disparity exists between the wealth of the parties at the time of the marriage.
The attorneys at Peterson Waggoner & Perkins, LLP can discuss your need for premarital agreements.